Ella lays down for a nap at 1:00. She doesn't fall asleep until about 3:45. Pain in my heiney, and stubborness aside -- I witness the following scenario from the couch.
Ella has arranged 3 blankets in front of her on her pallet by the couch. She says, "Which path should we take? This one? (she points to purple blankie) No. This one? (she points to green blankie) No. This one? (she points to pink blankie.) Yes! That's right. You're so smart!"
Maybe there IS such thing as TOO MUCH DORA THE EXPLORER. But we have her ever growing Spanish vocabulary to thank for it.
So far,
Buenos Dias and Rojo.
Ella has arranged 3 blankets in front of her on her pallet by the couch. She says, "Which path should we take? This one? (she points to purple blankie) No. This one? (she points to green blankie) No. This one? (she points to pink blankie.) Yes! That's right. You're so smart!"
Maybe there IS such thing as TOO MUCH DORA THE EXPLORER. But we have her ever growing Spanish vocabulary to thank for it.
So far,
Buenos Dias and Rojo.