Art Teacher for the afternoon...

Yesterday, Rose's son got sick at lunch, so she had to go home early. I got to teach 1st and kinder art! Yay! During 1st grade we painted, so wow, I jumped right back into art full force. Painting with elementary kids (or any kids for that matter) is "interesting." You have to be very organized and explain it JUST SO, and even when you do, you'll have one or two yayhoos walking out of the room with blue all over their hands. Overall, the kids did great! They followed directions and had a good time, I think. (and only 2 yayhoos walked out with blue and green hands.)

Kindergarten is my favorite! They are not afraid to do or TRY anything. We drew four pictures: princess, spider, monster truck or a heart, and well, some ended up drawing Spongebob. We had SO MUCH FUN!

Here was my favorite part of the day: I got to hear kindergartners talk about God.

"God looks like a ghost."


"I didn't say GOAT, I said, GHOST!"

"Oh yeah, he looks like a ghost man. My daddy says God was friends with the Devil and then God kicked the devil out of Heaven and then the Devil got his friends together and went down there and now all he wants to do is burn people up!"

"My Daddy spit in a cup once, and he heard God talk to him. God told him to stop smokin', so he did."

"You can't drink and smoke when you drive, cause if you do, you'll go 'down there' and the police man will pull you over and put hand cuffs on you and take you to jail. They took my uncle to jail cause he drank and smoked and drived."

We also spent a lot of time singing. They sang "Going to the Zoo" and "Hello, Hello" which also has a Spanish verse that sound more like "Hula, Hula" than "Hola, Hola." At the end of the day we took turns showing each other our artwork and clapping, cheering and saying "Bravo!" for each other. I think everyone should at least witness a kindergarten class for a day. It's good for the soul!


Heather said…
Oh, I loved kinder! Aren't they so precious?! Just 2 more years and Ella will be there!